Monday, February 18, 2013

Taking My (School) Work Home

I was fortunately enough to be able to complete my fieldwork placements for OT school in Delaware, where Troy was stationed, so that we could be together.

During my second fieldwork, I was working at an acute rehab facility. About halfway through my 3 months there, a man came in named Jesse and he was only 34 years old. He had a devastating stroke and lost function on the right side of his body. He had young kids at home and a super supportive wife. He was a mechanic. He was originally supposed to be there for 3 weeks, but he had been making such great gains, that his insurance kept approving him for more time.

My heart really went out for him and I was very motivated to read research and try new things. I felt like my mind was constantly at work and I was thinking about how to adapt things and teach him how to be more independent when I was home.

One night, I woke up to Troy yelling at me...I was doing something crazy again.

Jesse was having crazy emerging tone in his shoulder, elbow, and wrist.

I had decided that I was going to do some range of motion on Jesse in the middle of the night and stretch out his upper body. And Troy was not so cool with that.

I literally woke up kneeling on the edge of the bed with Troy on his back and me ranging Troy's shoulder.

It was a little jarring. Troy thought I was craaaaaazy. Crazy dedicated. I came out of it immediately and was like "sorry, I thought you were someone else." Oh, ya think??

He said it had been going on for about 2 minutes before he was able to wake me. He always worries that I'll have post traumatic stress from a "sleep walking" incident if he wakes me up. So far so good.

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