Friday, August 23, 2013

Bed Rest - Day 1

Yesterday was not a good day.

It started off great. Troy took leave for the day so that he could do some things around the house and spend some quality time with his mom. We all went out for an early breakfast at Babystacks, a local specialty pancake place. They dropped me off at home so that I could have a relax day. All alone. YES. They traded me for Optimus and went to Floyd Lamb park, which has peacocks and is very cool. They all went straight to the vet on base.

I was feeling kinda weird at home. I was relaxing on the couch, drinking tons of water, and watching trash tv. It should have been a good day. But I was having contractions and heartburn and my stomach hurt and I just felt "weird." I called Troy around 1230 and asked when they were going to be home. He said they were on their way and I told him I was going to head upstairs to lay down because I didn't feel well.

Once I got upstairs, I climbed in bed with my kindle. Now that I was completely still, not watching TV, with no distractions, I decided to start timing my contractions. I was had 5 in 10 minutes. Woah. I texted my doctor and he immediately told to forget my meds schedule and go ahead and take a muscle relaxer and get back to him in 2 hours. DONE!

Troy put Avery down for her nap and climbed in bed with me to keep me company while I ate lunch and kept timing contractions. They were NOT calming.

At 3 I texted Dr. Adashek again and told him what was going on. He wasn't in the office that day, but told me to get to the office within 15 minutes or to head to the hospital. We decided to book it out the door and avoid the hospital. That was the LAST place I wanted to go. Thank God Troy's mom was here, we could head out the door immediately and know that Avery was taken care of.

We got to the office and they immediately ushered me back for an ultrasound. SURE ENOUGH, Kinley's head is RIGHT on my cervix and I had 2 contractions during the ultrasound, during which you could see my cervix dilating all the way to where the stitch was the only thing holding everything in. Crap.

Then they took me over to a fetal monitoring room where they strapped me in and measured my contractions for about 10-15 minutes. Sure enough, there they were. Steady and strong. Double crap.

Another doctor I had never seen before came in and gave me a new medication called nifedipine. It's actually a blood pressure medication and some kind of calcium blocker...which the doc said could make me really dizzy since my BP runs low anyway. YAY side effects. He also said that this medication should be considered an "in case of emergency, break glass" medicine. I made sure to take it right when I picked it up. He also told me that if I started bleeding or having pain to go to the hospital. If the medication didn't help he also wanted me to make an appointment the next day.

Troy and I went and picked it up immediately and I took it in the car before we headed home. I hung out on the couch and snuggled Avery, watching "Toy Story" while Troy and his mom made dinner. My contractions were still going. We ate dinner. My contractions were still going. Avery got a bath and came down and said good night to me. And my contractions were still going.

So I texted my Doc again. He asked me if I wanted to go to the hospital. Um no. He called and gave me a pretty ugly lecture. He informed me that the medications I'm on are a pretty heavy duty and there is nothing else they can do at this point. AND that those medications SHOULD be the second line of defense behind bed rest, but he's been giving me the benefit of the doubt that I've been taking it easy already. Which clearly I wasn't.

He explained that if I didn't figure out a solution for help at home with Avery, he would admit me to the hospital and FORCE ME to figure it out and get help. I am allowed to go to the bathroom, shower, move from the couch to the bed (and vice versa) and use the microwave. That's pretty much it. OH and go to doctor appointments. He said that the LESS activity I did, the less contractions I'll have. Which makes sense because when people are trying to get babies OUT at 40 weeks, they are walking, cleaning floors, having sex, hula hooping, etc to bring on contractions. Which is what I want to avoid. No hula hooping for me.

So I am officially on bed rest. If you know me at all, this is torture. I'll have some tips for you later this week for how to keep from going insane. YAY!

My cousin will be here friday, so I'm currently arranging help until then. And attempting to bribe family with slobbery Avery kisses to fill holes in the visitor schedule until my mom comes in October.

All I can say is thank you Jesus for our Air Force family and small group from church.

Mom. Seriously. If you don't send that paperwork soon, we will have words. Loud ugly ones. Mkay? LOVE YOU!

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