Thursday, March 19, 2015

Things I Learned on My Trip - Part 2

2. When you have a job you love, you never work a day in your life.

I have heard this before, but seriously.

So I was planning to go help Kristen move. But we are also starting all of this program at work and I got "volun-told" to help with some new protocols to develop an early mobilization program for people on mechanical ventilation. I worked on a team that had done this in San Antonio. Since I had done it before, my boss asked me assist in writing some protocols for review.

Like any good medical professional, I went to research first. Reading like a crazy person. Then I collected about 8 protocols from other facilities. There's no reason to reinvent the wheel. However, sometimes reading is not the same as the hands on learning. I would seriously SUCK at getting an online degree. I really need the dynamic environment of a classroom and teacher to learn. Really really.

In some of my Googling, I came across a class that we being offered in a couple cities, but none of them nearby. One was being offered in DC, and luckily, I was able to coincide my trip to see Kristen to line up with the timeline of the 2 day course.

And HOLY COW. This was the BEST course I have ever taken. Normally, I take courses just to check a box. You know, get the units to maintain my license. But this lady was amazing. I didn't realize that all the research I had been doing and reading was BY HER. Then, I kind of started fan girl crushing. She is the leading expert therapist in the field and doing so much research, publishing, and writing protocols and assessments for predicting outcomes for patients in the ICU after mechanical ventilation.

I was expecting to be a little bored with some of the material when I initially looked at the brochure because some of the topics were, "reading a monitor" and "managing lines." I was like *YAWN*

I WAS SO WRONG. She got her degree in Brazil and English was her second language. Because of this, she taught in a very direct, blunt way that I found refreshing, appealing and useful. She was able to explain how to talk to physicians and patients in a way I had never considered and said things that INSTINCTUALLY I knew, but never would have thought to evaluate or explain to a family. She really explained things from a business, personnel, time management, and team approach that I never would have had the courage to approach without her example and encouragement. She had this way of explaining all the different settings on a ventilator and what to adjust for therapy that just made sense, was down to earth and didn't go over my head.

She gave me information that made me feel empowered as a therapist and a consumer of medicine. I cannot express enough how much I enjoyed her course and recommend that any physical therapist or occupational therapist that works in an ICU should take this course. It will really make you evaluate yourself as a therapist, what kids of goals and education approach you should use with patients, families, nurses, and physicians.

This course made me want to quit my life (kidding...sort of) and move to Houston to work underneath her. The course was offered through Education Resources, Inc.

Christiane Perme, PT CCS

And here is the description of her course:

Therapists working with patients in ICU face a complex challenge. These patients have limited mobility due to life support, monitoring equipment, multiple medical problems and muscle weakness. For selected patients in ICU, early mobility and walking enhances functional outcomes by optimizing cardiopulmonary and neuromuscular status. Early mobility can lead to an increase in the patient’s quality of life and higher functional capability. It can also potentially reduce length of hospital stay with overall reduced costs. The content of this course will guide clinicians through the process of managing adult ICU patients. Case reports will be presented to demonstrate how the early mobility and walking program in ICU can positively impact the recovery of selected patients. - See more at:

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